The simple solution to boosting your upsells and revenue

Upselling involves targeting your current customer and providing extra value. When a customer sends you a request, or has already accepted your offer, you have an advantage and a higher chance of creating additional revenue with less effort.

Nitu Kaur
5 min readSep 7, 2021
woman smiling with laptop
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Benefits of upselling

  • More revenue, less effort — you already have your customer’s attention
  • More revenue, lower costs — as opposed to acquisition of new leads. Again, you have your customer’s attention, leverage this.
  • Higher chance of gaining additional sales through brand loyalty and customer relationships — your customer already trusts you
  • Offer extra value to your customers — with upselling, you are offering additional products or services that are related to their purchase (as opposed to cross-selling — offering a different product). If the customer sees that the add-ons will provide more value for them, they will 1) appreciate the salesperson’s attention to their needs 2) Likely go for it
  • Customers want to upgrade — if they can get something better, why not?

Now you might be thinking, if upselling is so valuable, why isn’t everybody doing it more? Or maybe your business’s efforts aren’t quite reaping the rewards. Are you experiencing any of the following challenges?

Challenges of upselling

The main challenges we find sellers are faced with when upselling are:

1) Sales teams don’t have templates — without these upselling can appear time consuming

2) Sales teams don’t have a process for offering extras and add-ons, therefore not offered to the customer

3) Sales teams use static sales documents, and so their previous proposals and communications back and forth make upselling a hassle

You don’t want to view upselling as a separate entity, but to make this a part of your sales process. Simply making the extra options visible and readily available is the first part, the second part to securing the upsell is to ensure they look appealing when presented. To make upselling really effective your team need access to templates which they can use over and over.

The solution to upselling and gaining more revenue

Investing in an effective, modern sales platform that provides the tools to easily display add-ons, whilst at the same time making it easy for the customer to choose themselves, is crucial to obtain the upsell in a near effortless way. You also want a platform that makes your products and services look attractive, and has modern functionality to ensure a great buying experience for the customer. Static documents such as pdfs are a hassle to work with and not the best bet for sales anymore. Whereas a dynamic offer or proposal looks good, is easier to work with and reflect updates instantly in the same place. If you want to continue seeing results, without the hassle and still have time to focus on the customer, then you need to be able to reuse those offers to upsell.

Qondor is a great example of a sales platform that makes upselling happen with less effort and solves the common challenges, thanks to its ability to automate and facilitate upselling. Your offer is the same place your customer accepts, unlike in a pdf or other static document.

Kragerø Resort, a well-known hotel, spa and golf resort in Norway, faced the above challenges, then used Qondor for their tailored sales processes, and recently reported a rise in upgrades, thus increasing their additional sales by approximately 80% (!) when switching to Qondor.

Attractive looking upgrades for feast and gourmet menus, wine packages and rooms were added to their offers, and now these can be accepted by their customers at the click of a button. Simply making the products available and attractive increased their upselling substantially. (Read more in the case study here.)

Leveraging added sales in the MICE industry

The following upgrades and add-ons below are common when it comes to travel agencies, hotels, conference, meeting and events venues:

1. Food and beverages — banqueting, catering, gourmet dinners

2. Insurance such as travel insurance, public liability insurance for an event, cancellation cover and so on.

3. Upgrades in facilities, such as meetings/events and conference rooms, or room types

4. Covid tests

5. Add-ons provided within the venue or part of your inventory, such as a gym or spa package

6. Technology and equipment upgrades

7. Selling products and services supplied by another supplier — activities such as tickets to local attractions, dog sledding, skiing, hiking, safari and so on.

These are all suitable options to present in an offer, following the main product or service being offered. In some scenarios, the customer might not already have considered these options or may not even be aware they were available. So, it is useful to provide additional options to provide extra value and to encourage the customer to purchase more. Remember, customers find upgrades attractive, so if you have premium products and services to offer, you are offering a premium experience which means the customer is likely to be more enticed and happier with their purchase.

Tips for upselling

  • Highlight related products and services that will provide extra value to your customers (also strengthening client relationships and loyalty);
  • Make upselling a common goal across your sales team and review results regularly;
  • Create incentives for your sales employees for achieving upsells;
  • Invest in a good sales platform with upsell functionality (paramount to make upselling as easy as possible contributing to additional revenue).


a group of smartly dressed people with hands in the air
Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

Upselling is a great sales technique, providing you have the right tools to work with. You want to be able to deliver value to your customers and be considered trustworthy. In return, you can expect increased revenue for your business, with low efforts and costs. An effective sales platform makes upselling a whole lot easier, and improves your sales process, so it’s worth considering and investing in for your business, if you want to boost your revenue without losing time.

Our customers say Qondor is transforming their sales process and increasing their sales. But don’t take our word for it, have a look at what our customers have to say.

Do you want to increase your sales and revenue using an effective and easy to use platform? Book a demo here and we’ll show you how.



Nitu Kaur

◻ Topics: Relationships, mindset, spirituality, travel ◻Fiction writer — realist romance novel → A Thousand Fjords, OTW ◻📍UK/NO